
This website is an evolving work-in-progress originally associated with a major collaborative research project (Global Survey and Inventory of Solifugae) funded by the Biodiversity Surveys and Inventories program of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) (Grants 0640219 and 0640245), and NSF Revisionary Taxonomy and Systematics (ARTS) program (Grant 1754587). The site provides information about the biology, taxonomy, and distribution of arachnids contained in the order Solifugae, commonly called “camel spiders.”

It is our hope that this site will promote a better understanding of these unique arachnids and facilitate, if not stimulate, research involving them. If you have suggestions or contributions for this site, please contact Paula Cushing (Paula.Cushing@dmns.org).

Rare Publications

As part of a general effort to support the scientific community and catalog important research about these organisms, we have made the following hard-to-find publications available below as PDF files:


Brookhart, J. O., and Muma, M. H. 1987. Arenotherus, a new genus of Eremobatidae (Solpugida) in the United States. Privately published by the authors (Englewood, Colorado: Cherry Creek High School Print Shop), 18 pp. pdf available here.

Muma, M. H. 1987. New species and records of Solpugida (Arachnida) from Mexico, Central America and the West Indies, pp. 1-24, and 4 plates. Privatly published for the author by Southwest Offset, Silver City, New Mexico. pdf available here.

Muma, M. H. 1989. New species and records of Solpugida (Arachnida) from the United States. 60 pp. Privately published for the author by Douglas Print Shop, Douglas, Arizona. pdf available here.

Muma, M. H., and Brookhart, J. 1988. The Eremobates palpisetulosus species-group (Solpugida: Eremobatidae) in the United States, pp. 1-65, plates 1-20. Published for the authors by Cherry Creek High School Print Shop, Englewood, Colorado. pdf available here.

Muma, M. H., and Muma, K. E. 1988. The arachnid order Solpugida in the United States (Supplement 2, a biological review), pp. 1-35 and 2 plates. Published for the authors by Southwest Offset, Silver City, New Mexico. pdf available here. pdf available here.

Photograph of female Eremocosta striata (Putnam)

        Eremocosta striata (Putnam), female. Nogales, AZ.                                ©Warren E. Savary 2016